Using comparison websites to find out best hotel price deals

Planning a trip? You are in the right place for info! Expedia is an online travel agency founded by Microsoft in 2001. The site helps people find and schedule diverse travel services, including car rentals, flights and hotels. It also recommends activities in destination cities. With more than 250 million reviews about over 5.2 million restaurants, attractions and accommodations worldwide, […]

Dubai Desert Safari

Travel & Tourism Articles From AMAZINES.COM A safari conjures a romantic picture of a travel across mountains and jungles up. Along with our safari tours that are affordable and cheap, we also provide other adventures sure to give you a terrific time and an unforgettable travel experience! We have city tours in Dubai and Abu Dhabi, Dhow cruise dinner, and […]

Sri Lanka attractions

Sri Lanka, formerly Ceylon, island country lying in the Indian Ocean and separated from peninsular India by the Palk Strait. It is located between latitudes 555 and 951 N and longitudes 7941 and 8153 E and has a maximum length of 268 miles (432 km) and a maximum width of 139 miles (224 km). When it comes to wildlife tours, […]

Calgary points of interest

The luxuriously appointed, privately owned “Rocky Mountaineer” runs between Calgary (or Jasper) and Vancouver, cutting westward on the historic Canadian Pacific line through the soaring mountain wall of the Rockies. At Canmore, providing the weather is good, there is a fine view of the snow-capped “Three Sisters.” Soon afterwards, the popular winter resort of Banff is reached. Other highlights on […]

You must see Scandinavia at least once

Scandinavia and particularly Denmark is a wonderful travel destination. Gotland, Sweden – Sweden’s largest island, Gotland lies in the Baltic Sea, a three-hour ferry trip from the mainland. Its highlight is the beautifully preserved medieval town of Visby. An Unesco World Heritage site, its warren of narrow cobbled streets, timbered buildings and fortified walls are a joy to explore. But […]